Monday, October 13, 2014

No Surface Material Type

The following are the steps required to remove the 'No Surface Material Type' thing that pops up whenever you walk on or shoot a surface in Crysis. It is a hack solution, and there is a legitimate way of removing it, but if you have a lot of textures, it takes a lot of time. The legitimate way: assign a 'Surface Type' in the properties of the Crysis material. Now instead of getting the message popping up, the material will react according to it's surface type. Concrete, for example, will appear to chip and crack when you shoot it. The hack way: Copy the .dds texture file from here: Paste it into GameSDK>Textures folder, don't rename it If you don't have a Textures folder in your Game folder, create one Done This is overwritting the texture used for the 'No Surface Material Type' message with an invisible texture. It is still popping up, you just can't see it, and if you want the material to react to being shot you will still need to assign a surface type in the material properties.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Tutorial this week (12th August)

As mentioned in last weeks classes I wont be in class this week. I will be checking your blogs in the normal class time to check they are up to date with the previous two weeks 'Tasks for Today' and 'Independent Study'. Up to date blogs will count for attendance for this weeks tutorial class. I encourage you all to attend regardless as you will be more likely to solve any problems you encounter with this weeks tasks if your are working with each other. Ros will be available next door as well should you have any urgent problems. Otherwise I will be responding to any comments on my blog of specific questions relating to this weeks tasks. I will offer an alternative class later in the semester or something similar to suit you all to make up for my absence tomorrow. Cheers Jules

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Class Lists

Hi all, as you can hopefully see on the right of my blog there are now lists of your blogs. If everyone I don't have yet could add your names and blog addresses to the comments under my first post I can add the rest of you. I know there were a few issues in class creating blogs and accessing mine but hopefully time has resolved that issue and we can have a complete list before next class Cheers Jules

Monday, July 28, 2014

Welcome everyone! Comment below with your name and blog address and I will link them